Friday, August 3, 2012

"Apple Lawyer Shows Samsung’s Phone Evolution, with iPhone as Missing Link"

Samsung Before and After

Tuesday, July 31st, marked the first day of the high-profile U.S. patent lawsuit between Apple and Samsung, with the former accusing the South Korean company of copying the iPhone to its own devices.

On Apple’s opening statements, its representative Harold McElhinny provided documents prepared by a Samsung executive that claim that the chaebol was in “crisis of design” because of the iPhone. The executive even hinted that the iPhone was “easy to copy.”
And if that is not enough, the lawyer also presented images of Samsung’s design evolution before and after the iPhone was introduced. It shows how distantly different Samsung’s mobile phones were combined to the smartphones developed after the first iPhone rolls out in January 2007, a question McElhinny would like Samsung to answer to court.
“As we all know, it is easier to copy than to innovate,” McElhinny jabbed in his opening statement. “Apple had already taken the risks.”
Source: Reuters, via TechCrunch

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