Monday, December 10, 2012

"FCC to FAA: Let Airline Passengers Use Electronics During Flights, Please"

Pilot Tablet

Airlines have long been telling passengers to turn off their electronic devices during flights in an effort to prevent interference with airplane equipment during taxi, take-off, and landing. However, there have been experts and research that say these device could not harm the aircraft one bit.
Despite increased attention from the press and passengers, the Federal Aviation Administration refuses to budge and would not even review its policy on electronics.

Now, even the Federal Communications Commission has joined in the clamoring crowd, with Chairman Julius Genachowski writing a diplomatically-worded letter to the FAA, calling for the organization to “enable greater use of tablets, e-readers and other portable devices.”
“This review comes at a time of tremendous innovation, as mobile devices are increasingly interwoven in our daily lives,” Genachowski writes. “They empower people to stay informed and connected with friends and family, and they enable both large and small businesses to be more productive and efficient, helping drive economic growth and boost U.S. competitiveness.”
Even if the FAA would reconsider its policy on the use of electronic devices in airplanes, there is one thing the office will never allow: taking voice calls.
Source: The Hill (1)(2), via TechCrunch

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