Customizable Sounds Sleep Generator |
There are people who just find it hard to sleep. Maybe it is the
stress that they have been through during the day or something else, but
getting their dose of zzzzz’s becomes limited somehow. There are
devices that might help some people sleep better at night such as with
this Customizable Sounds Sleep Generator.
The Customizable Sounds Sleep Generator help people get to sleep by
using around 145 soothing nature sounds known to make people relax and
go to sleep. There are 24 primary sounds captured right from the
environment they naturally occur. There are also other secondary nature
sounds that can be combined with them to produce up to 145 combinations.
The device can be set to gradually slow down to lull people to sleep
and then turn off after 30, 60 or 90 minutes. The device also comes with
a backlit digital clock, an AM/Fm radio as well as an alarm to wake you
up after a good night’s sleep. The Customizable Sounds Sleep Generator is available at Hammacher Schlemmer for US$200.
Image Source: Hammacher Schlemmer
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