Friday, November 23, 2012

"Microsoft Working on Gaming-Focused Xbox Surface Tablet"

Xbox Surface Rumor

While Microsoft remain mum about rumors about the Xbox Surface, a spec list supposedly of the gaming tablet has been leaked online. If this information is to be believed, the Xbox Surface tablet would run on a custom Windows OS and will be focused on gaming.

The processor is a battle between a custom ARM chip and a new Intel SoC, but it will likely be the former if Intel cannot please Microsoft enough.
The tablet will also accommodate messaging along with “other tablet functions,” most likely to include web browsing using Internet Explorer 10. There are also leaks earlier in the year indicating that the Xbox Surface would have a “base station” along with the tablet, much like the Nintendo Wii U.
Other specifications listed include a 7-inch multitouch screen with 1280 x 720 resolution, Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, 5GB of memory, a custom 28nm AMD GPU paired with a 1.2GB GDDR5 RAM, a 150GB 10,000rpm HDD, and a 2.4GHz custom link between the tablet and the dual-core main console unit.
Source: The Verge, via Slashgear

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