Friday, October 12, 2012

"Knut Sensor Senses Anything"

Knut Sensor

So you leave the house on its lonesome for a vacation in Hawaii, but at least you need something to keep an eye on things. Who knows if the house suddenly catches fire or gets flooded and you have no idea about it?
Lucky for you, there is the Knut WiFi-capable sensor that sends various measurements to your iPhone wherever you are in the world. This Kickstarter project, built with various functional sensors, hopes to be sold at $80 a pop

The Knut contains a highly-accurate temperature sensor and a battery level sensor. If you want the device to measure more than just temperature, you can connect it with a single or multiple external sensors–measuring humidity levels, vibrations, door, and water presence–using the 3-port hub.
With Knut, you will be alerted in case the house gets flooded, catches fire, shaken by earthquake, or broken open by thieves. The device can also be used for humidors, tool sheds, anything you need to monitor while you are away.
The Knut project has surpassed its $25,000 goal, so you are assured this will be shipped.
Source: Kickstarter, via TechCrunch

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