Friday, October 12, 2012

"JuiceBuddy – World’s Smallest iPhone Charger"


While portable devices like iPhones are quite handy enough to bring along anywhere, charging them is usually another matter. Users have to bring along those bulky chargers with their cables and such just to make sure that they are handy when the devices need charging. It would therefore be a welcome if one has the JuiceBuddy handy.

The JuiceBuddy may be considered as the world’s smallest iPhone charger by virtue of its size. Its size is similar to a small keychain and comes with retractable prongs that plug into any ordinary outlet. Users need only to slip on the cap and connect the iPhone in order to charge it. The keychain attachment also conceals a USB 2.0 port which can be used to charge other portable devices. The JuiceBuddy is available at Pacific Productions for US$25.
Image Source: Pacific Productions

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