Friday, February 1, 2013

"Nokia Windows-Based PureView Phone in the Works?"

Nokia PureView 808

The latest rumor making its rounds in the tech circles is the one about Nokia reportedly working on a new PureView smartphone that runs on Windows Phone. The Verge reports that the new phone will include a 41-megapixel camera, just like Nokia’s PureView 808, one of the last smartphones powered by Symbian OS.
The report adds that the new Nokia phone, which allegedly goes by the code name “EOS,” will be encased in aluminum rather than polycarbonate, which was usually found in Nokia’s Lumia smartphones. The device is slated to be introduced by AT&T later this year. Nokia is also reportedly developing a Windows 8 tablet of its own, which will debut this year as well.
It is curious to see whether this Windows Phone-powered PureView will include features from Nokia’s “other but better” PureView phone, the Lumia 920. This smartphone comes with a backside-illuminated sensor and a fixed f2.0 aperture, creating beautiful images even in low lighting conditions. Nokia has also worked with Microsoft to come up with a new algorithm for Lumia 920’s camera that helps reduce visual noise and further improves low-light performance.
Source: The Verge, via Mashable

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